

How to get your first internship as a student?


How to Get First Internship as a Student?

The initial experience of being placed in an intern parallel to being a student is always an important starting point in achieving the quality career. The practical experience, needed to be entered into the CV, and the opportunity to meet new people are the benefits of internship. These are general guidelines to follow if you want to get your first intern job and more in the future. 


1. Start Early and Plan Ahead 

 Looking for an internship should start way before the stated dates for the internship. Most firms begin the process of hiring interns at least half a year before the internships are to commence. Develop a plan of where and when to search for opportunities, and what specific tasks to accomplish in the meanwhile, and when to apply. 


2. Polish Your Resume and Cover Letter

 Your resume and your cover letter are what employers will see/first so do well to make it as attractive as possible. Ensure you write good quality, they should not be repetitive and must reflect the internships that you are applying for. Emphasize the skills you learned during your education, what courses you took in relation to your job, projects you worked on or any volunteer or part-time jobs you have done. 


Tips for a standout resume:

  •  That’s why one should choose the clean, professional and neat style for writing. 
  •  Concentrate on what you can do and what you have done. 
  •  Keywords of the job description should be added to increase the chances of passing through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). 

Tips for a compelling cover letter:

  •  If you can, use a specific person as the subject of the greeting. 
  •  State that you have learned about the company and the internship, explain why you want to become its intern and how your experience can help the company. 
  •  Lastly, it is essential to provide the work’s audience with an example or a story illustrating their passion and readiness to implement their skills in practice. 

3. Leverage Your Network 

 Networking is a very valuable procedure in the process of your search for an internship. Contact current and former professors, fellow classmates, family members, friends, and alumni to ask for advice and contact information. Participate in the career fairs, workshops, and industry events, so you can be able to interact with other professionals of your chosen field. 


Networking tips: 

  •  Sign up to LinkedIn and these days get a personal account with LinkedIn. 
  •  Like the posts of the companies that you are interested in and like their page. 
  •  Contribute to forums and group discussions that would likely be related to what you are doing. 

4. Utilize University Resources 

 The professional service centers of almost every university can assist you in finding internships. Some of the common services offered in such websites are the review of CVs, having a simulation interview, a list of employment opportunities, and career guidance. It is advisable to apply these resources to strengthen the application and interview skills.

5. Search for Opportunities Online 

 Below are some of the internets where you can search for internships: Some popular sites include: 

  •  Internships. com: A one stop shop for internship vacancies. 
  •  Indeed. com: A portal that delivers thousands of job seekers to internships each month. 
  •  LinkedIn: Make use of the job search tab, and use the available connection networks. 
  •  Glassdoor: Gives information about companies and internships. 
  •  Handshake: Puts students in touch with employers seeking intern personnel. 

6. Apply Strategically 

 Do not begin applying to all the internships that you come across, but rather only the ones that would be relevant to your ability and interest. Always ensure that for every job that you are applying for, you make sure that you write a unique resume and cover letter. 


7. Prepare for Interviews 

 When you are lucky to be called for an interview, preparation should be underway. Ensure you gain adequate information about the company, the products and or services, their organizational culture, and any current happenings within the organization. It is advised to rehearse the responses to the most frequently used questions and to prepare the questions to be asked to the interviewer. 


Common interview questions: 

  •  “Can you briefly describe yourself?” 
  •  To which, they should ask questions like; “Why do you want to work for this company and why this particular internship? 
  •  ‘’What do you consider to be your strengths and what do you consider to be your weaknesses?’’ 
  •  “Tell a story of a time when you were in a difficult position, you can then give an account of how you dealt with it. “ 

8. Follow Up 

 To follow up after going through the application process of applying, being called for interview, a follow-up email should be sent to the company or the human resource department to thank them for the opportunity. Actually, this simple act can create a good impression that lasts rather long. 


9. Stay Persistent and Positive 

 Therefore, it is essential to understand that the process of getting an internship is quite often a competitive one and quite complicated. Demolish all your barriers and keep trying and be positive even if you fail many times. Next time you should aim to get more prepared and to answer much better to all the questions that they use during an application and an interview. 


10. Consider Alternative Opportunities 

 If an internship that is directly associated with your course is not feasible, there are ways of finding a placement. These might comprise of volunteering, casual jobs, self-employed jobs, or even beginning your own personal project. There is no such thing as irrelevant experience and any experience is as good as the next one in helping you to develop your muscles and the experience section of your CV.


 Getting an internship as a student usually has several factors that determine the whole process, time, effort, and method. If you follow the tips that have been elaborated in this paper concerning the timely search for internships, leveraging your network contacts, utilizing university resources, and applying for internships, you are more likely to get a valuable internship that will pave the way for your future. Keep searching and never close the door to other positions, and everything is a learning experience in the end. 



  •  Internship tips for a student 
  •  Student internship tips 
  •  Landing your first internship 
  •  Internship search strategies 
  •  Preparing for internship interviews 
  •  Networking for internships 
  •  University career services 

 By following these guidelines, one is on the right track to getting his or her first internship and thus, is in a good start to achieving his or her dream profession.

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